學校迎新禮品套裝 x 理工大學
為了迎接新的學年,Eco Art早前為香港理工大學製作了一套迎新禮品,包括具實用性的USB手指儲存器,萬用插頭,滑鼠以及保暖壺。讓同學在溫習時事半功倍,出外工作時亦能夠得心應手。禮品上的校徽更能培養同學對學校的歸屬感。
With a view to welcoming new students to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Eco Art has designed some gifts including a USB, a travel plug adapter and a mouse. Eco Art has even cooperated with thermos to provide newbies with a thermos bottle. Not only will they develop a sense of belonging to the school,but they will also be more efficient while working.
我們在thermos的保暖壺上印上理工大學的校徽, 製成品相當精細,用色上亦經過細心挑選。
多國通用轉換插頭配上usb插口位, 即使在外地仍能夠專注工作
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